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Fame | Doug Manchester net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Doug Manchester? When is Doug Manchester's birthday? Where is Doug Manchester born? Where did Doug Manchester grow up from? What's Doug Manchester's age?

Doug Manchester Born: June 3, 1942 (age 81years), Los Angeles, California, United States

Is Doug Manchester married? When did Doug Manchester get married? Who's Doug Manchester's married to? (Who's Doug Manchester's husband / wife)?

Doug Manchester Spouse: Geniya Derzhavina (m. 2013), Elizabeth Manchester (m. 19652013)

Does Doug Manchester have any children? What are the names of Doug Manchester's children? What are the ages of Doug Manchester's children?

Doug Manchester Children: Douglas Worthington Manchester

After graduating from college, Manchester went into real estate. He founded the Manchester Financial Group in 1970. Eventually he became known for developing large, upscale projects.
